Thais Army Trial dungeon is open

Perfect Tibia
6 min readApr 11, 2021

The Thais Army Trials are open.
Are you worthy of joining the Thaian Ranks? Only coordinated and well prepeared teams may beat this, the lowest level dungeon in Perfect Tibia.
This challenge comes in the form of a dungeon where you will have to face some of Thais’s most renown figures.
Remember though, dungeons in Perfect Tibia are different from what you’ve seen in game before.
Our dungeons have scripted boss fights, that require players to follow a specific strategy in order to be able to beat the fights.
Most dungeons require 2 tanks and at least one healer. Players who beat the dungeon will reap amazing rewards. However, it is intended that the best possible loot comes as rare drops from the dungeon’s bosses

You will require 6 players to enter
Some players attempting boss fights
The players did not know we were watching their demise
Are you worthy to reap the amazing rewards the Thaian Army holds?

Some of our server’s features: The Casino

Journey into the Casino. Where you will be able to play your tokens in the roulette. (more games will be added with time). In here if you are lucky, you will be able to transform your daily token rewards (or the tokens you purchase on the website) into amazing prizes!
Perfect tibia’s roulette works just as a normal real life roulette.

An amazing players betting on some plain numbers

Besides this, there is a special VIP area in the casino, where players are able to craft potions, purchase amazing houses and visit the retro spell master

Visit Grand Alchemist Sirion and Bakiri

The retro spell master allows players to purchase time-lost runes, which , upon usage, permanently change the sprite of the intended spells to look as it did back in the old days.

The retro spellmaster is right beside the stairs
Time-lost runes have a particular sprite
Upon usage they will change the sprite of your spells on that character indefinitely.

But the casino is not only fun and games. On the top left you will find the shop where most items and outfits in Perfect Tibia are purchased. At the same time, to the left you will be able to find the Hall of Heroes

The Hall of Heroes serves a few purposes. In here The Loremaster will explain most of the things you need to know about our server in terms of quest, items and lore. At the same time, in here will be able to find examples of item drops that can be obtained from the dungeons. On the upper floor you will be able to trade Badges of Valor ( a recurrent drop from dungeon bosses) that can be exchanged for powerful items.

At the same time, inside the Halls’s library you will be able to find books that provide the strategies that you need yo fulfill in order to beat most dungeon bosses. Beware though, as theory and practice are very different things.

Some of the items that are in

Join the hunting elite:

The NPC Noromu resides in most cities near the temple. He will give you different monster-slaying tasks. The tasks grant experience and points upon completion. Gather enough points to climb up the ranks of the organization, and be able to join dangerous expeditions to Dawnbreak Region. A custom continent where the strongest creatures reside.

Gather enough points to embark the Dirty Mary into Dawnbreak Region

Venture into hard and challenging dungeons:

The most rewarding questlines in our server are composed of dungeons and boss fights. There’s quite a few of them. They are challenging quests than can be repeated several times in order to obtain the highly sought drops that can be found in them . Some dungeons require a questline or an attunement in order to be able to enter. And most of them require at least a 6 player team.

In Perfect Tibia, on the upper level tiers, it’s equipment that is the most influential in a character’s performance. This equipment is mostly found on dungeons.

Venture into Zil’Aman (lvl 120+)
Are you good enough to beat the bosses inside this dungeon?
Venture into the Black Empire, the hardest dungeon on our server at the time of writing. (lvl 150+)
Or perhaps try to beat the atrocities found in the Halls of Tomernt ( lvl 110+)
Or perhaps, enter Albaran’s prison. And stop him from breaking free (Lvl 90+)

Complete fun and challenging questlines:

In Perfect Tibia there’s a few custom questlines that offer interesting and fun rewards! Seek them out and complete them in order to gain access to more places, mounts or items!

Brave The Elemental Lords quest in order to change the effects of some of your spells!

Custom Mount quests:

In Perfect Tibia, mounts work in a different manner. They grant more speed than in the original game, however, you get dismounted upon taking damage.

There are custom questlines for a lot of mounts in game, you can find these questlines in the NPCS that are wearing a mount ( most of them, iconic NPCS from original Tibia). They will usually offer you the mount quest once you’ve finished the addon questline they are initially intended for.

As always, there is plenty more in our server than what we could list in a single Medium post. But we hope this gives you an insight into what you can find inside our server!

Remember, whenever you see a road that looks like this one, you will be near a custom area that possibly involves a quest.

Kind regards,
The Perfect Tibia Team.

